Business Accelerator Mastermind
A 6 month intimate Mastermind for 12 women ready to quantum leap and bring their business to the next level.
You are a born high flyer and you know that your dream business is waiting for you in the quantum field.
You’re ready to take strategic action and become fully aligned to get consistent 5-10k months, and more.
You want a business that makes money AND gives you fulfilment and joy. #screwhustle
Most importantly, you want to spend more time doing what you love (Travelling ? Chilling out with your cat ? Making your home more Feng Shui? Working from Bali?), and have a business that supports your vision.
- You’re are passionate about what you do but you’re not quite sure how to sell out your offers.
- You’ve been trading time for money, and charging an hourly rate that doesn’t give you the financial freedom you deserve.
- You’ve successfully attract dream high-end clients, and you are ready to Expand.
- Impostor syndrome sometimes sneaks in with its “what if I just got lucky” or “what if I can’t sustain this”.
- You are ready to level up and launch offers and program, but fear is holding you back (did I hear “what if no one buys”).
- You’ve been flying below your income and freedom potential while other not-so-honest entrepreneurs out there have been making bank with half of your talent and a tenth of your ethics.
The Business Accelerator Mastermind
A powerful Mastermind that focuses on the blissful combination of deep mindset work and advanced business and marketing strategies to grow and scale your business AND have income and freedom!
The perfect container for high vibe female entrepreneurs who want to do business their way, be aligned and profitable, and magnetise clients to them.

Wouldn’t it be so much easier to just follow an A-Z “how to be successful in Business” strategy and be successful ? Yep, it would. But that’s not how it works.
Our beliefs and energetic frequency determine our actions and our lives. To make 5-20k (or 40k, let’s go for it) a month while working from our couch, we need to think and feel like someone who’s already there.
This program will help you smash imposter syndrome, eliminate abundance & success blocks and shift your mindset so your energy is aligned with your goals.

In addition to mindset, we’ll be covering proven strategies to grow your business organically. Because while doing the inner work is so powerful, meditating and journaling 6h hours a day won’t get us to Rome. We need to take intentional action towards our goal, because action takers get results.
We’ll dive deep into different strategies that feel good to you to grow and scale your business, based on attraction marketing (not weird and icky sh*t like cold messaging people on facebook. Ain’t nobody got time for that).

Launching is the ultimate Business Accelerator. It’s also the ultimate “OMG what if no one buys” emotional rollercoaster.
During this Mastermind, you’ll learn all of the secrets behind 5 figure launches, even with a small audience and organic only marketing. You’ll learn EVERYTHING: how to create an offer that people want to buy, how to host a high converting event that turns audience members into clients, as well as powerful mindset tools to stay in a sky high vibe during the entire process.
We’ll go through 2-3 launch cycles (not mandatory) during this Mastermind, and you’ll get support on ALL of them!

Yes, you read that right! Time to unleash your full manifesting powers because it’s so much easier when we work hand in hand with the universe instead of riding the 3D work & effort only bus.
You’ll learn how to connect with the universe and get powerful shifts at both the subconscious and energetic level so you can fully step into your 6-7 business owner self and attract that reality to you faster.
Here are some of the things we’ll cover in the Mastermind:
Rock solid business foundations that allow you to clearly communicate what you do, come across as an expert, and that allow you to grow and scale;
Packaging your services instead of selling hourly sessions so you can make more and work less;
Smashing Impostor Syndrome and "who am I to" so you can confidently show up online and be the Visibility Queen your business needs you to be;
Money Mindset Mastery to feel worthy of attracting and receiving abundance without sabotage, and be in the right state of mind to grow your aligned business;
Copywriting for social media , Websites & more so you reader deeply resonates with your content and your offers. No more crickets and tumbleweeds!
The secrets behind 5 figure organic launches, without the headache, which will give you a bullet proof plan to launch your 1:1, programs and courses.
DIY Website and sales pages that sell your services while your are sleeping;
Eliminating visibility fears and fears of judgement for good and using the power of video to sell and pitch your services in a non sleazy way (no car salesman vibes here).
Setting up passive income funnels so you can make money while you sleep.
Becoming an ultimate Manifesting Queen so you can make more and work less.
And so much more !

My business had always been moderately successful. I knew I could probably go further and take it to another level yet whatever I tried to do about it, nothing really worked and I just stayed at the ticking over comfortably stage. I had almost got to the point of thinking ‘Just be grateful for what I’ve achieved’ and leave it at that when by some magic or another I came across the wonderful Ines Padar!
Something about her easy, relaxed, un-pushy manner impressed me so I signed up for a free 3 day training with her thinking that would be it. Before the end of the second day I realised I could learn a LOT from this knowledgeable, highly successful young woman and I instinctively knew I had to sign up for the Business Accelerator Mastermind.
My intuition was spot on. In the 4 months of the training, abundance, money and visibility blocks were kicked into the curb during the group deep mindset transformation sessions. My 1:1sessions with Ines helped me clear some hidden blind spots and clarify my niche and my ideal client.
They also boosted my confidence in my programme and what I offer my clients so I boldly increased my pricing too! The mastermind group of women was a place to share and support each other as we went on the Business Accelerator journey together and Ines was always present, ready to answer questions, make positive suggestions, following each of us on social media, boosting our morale.
By the third month of the training I attracted my first high ticket client and then soon after, two more. I have a group programme in process with women already signed up and I’m manifesting clients outside of my niche with no effort too. Now I have total confidence that this is just the beginning of regular stream of high ticket clients coming my way and I still have all the training material and resources to keep reviewing and using as I keep growing my business.
And just one more very important thing. Ines is equally respectful of everyone she works with. From beginners in this game to women like me – in my mid-seventies and with years of experience – every woman is uniquely honoured, motivated and stretched with lightness and kindness. Ines is a genuine and fabulous coach who walks the walk and I highly recommend you work with her if you get the chance.

Joann Fuller, C. Hyp. Mindset Coach
Needless to say it was the best decision I made aside from taking the actual training itself!
She is excellent at helping people get their business set up from ground zero. She helped me to iron out any wrinkles I had in place and gave me all of the information I needed to set up my website, social media marketing, and to create a strong belief in myself that I was worthy of having high ticket clients.
I tripled my investment in the four months of working with her.
What’s included in the 6 month Business Accelerator Mastermind:

Each month, you’ll get 4 high-vibe 90-minute group Mastermind coaching calls with your fellow Mastermind go getters. You’ll get the highest level of strategic support for your business, and mindset support to be in energetic alignment with your goals. Take it from Mastermind Queens: The Mindset calls will help you Quantum leap to a whole new abundant dimension!!

You’ll get two 60 minute 1:1 private coaching calls ( currently the only way to work 1:1 with me) as well as Voxer support! Whether you need a second opinion and support for strategy and business matters, want help to release limiting beliefs and blocks, and need support to deal with whatever comes up, I’m only one voice message away. I’ve got you!

Launches have generated $160k in six months only in my business.
There are two pillars that can make or break a launch: A solid launch strategy to know exactly what to do it, when to do it, and how to show up in order to convert audience members into clients. The other pillar is rock solid mindset to keep the vibe high from start to finish. You’ll get both as well as feedback on all of your launches during the Mastermind !

Let’s get real: you’re GONNA need some support between calls. Support during an Emotional Rollercoaster, second opinions, feedback, collaborations and making high vibe friends. The private Mastermind Facebook community is there when you need it, and let me tell you, there’s nothing better than a tight group of ambitious women all aiming at the stars ! (priceless)

1) Money Mindset Mastery: Time to get rid of money blocks, feel worthy of receiving abundance & implement wealth habits and strategies to become a money magnet.
2) Next level You: Impostor syndrome is going to bite the dust while you develop your Next level mindset, and show up like the expert you are so people immediately trust you. (Worth $600)

If we can’t communicate efficiently, we’re screwed! Let’s turn you into a Communication Queen so people deeply resonate with everything you say and feel compelled to work with you (Worth $600). No more wondering on how to write a post that gets massive engagement!

Who doesn’t like passive income flowing into your account while you sleep? You’ll learn how to set up simple back end funnels that will generate income as your e-mail list is growing!

Anne Rigaud
Yet, I felt this program was great but I was clearly not interested in Social Media and I wanted to launch my coaching business without it. As you can see I hesitated a lot. After a call with Ines, I followed my gut feeling and decided to join and take the risk to be with no money left…
I signed back in December and it was one of the best decisions of my life. Ines’ work is more than amazing, it is close to magic. She masters all aspects of Social Media, but more importantly her work on mindset is simply mind blowing. Not only did I start making money: I simply made my investment 5 times!!!
My mindset and energy level shifted that much, that I started to attract clients out of the blue! Then clients were so happy with my work that they started recommending me. And guess what?! All of this happened without Social Media. I didn’t even start to leverage it yet!
On top of this, even more crazy things happened. I started to manifest financial abundance outside of work. All boundaries disappeared: I managed to sell a house that didn’t manage to sell for years, taxes (yes, you read that correctly) reimbursed me a big amount of money very unexpectedly, and so much more!
I could not encourage you enough to work with Ines. Not only is she skilled, smart, and caring, but her work on mindset and energy is simply flabbergasting. It is life changing.”
The Business Accelerator Mastermind is not for you if:
- Your favourite mode of transportation is the struggle bus, and you have no intention of leaving it.
- You want to figure out everything on your own, even if it takes you 10 times longer, because you believe impostor syndrome when it tells you “you’re only successful if you do it yourself”.
- You haven’t started your business yet.
- You don’t believe in the power of alignment and mindset, and would rather work work work work work (insert Rihanna song here).
- You need guidance to grow & scale your business so you can work less and make more.
- You’re ready to spend more time with your family, cat, dog, lizard and do more of what you love (did I hear Dr Joe Dispenza retreats and luxury SPA trips once a month?).
- You want to create and sell out high end offers to high end dreams clients.
- You’re already making consistent 2k months or more.
- You’re ready to make money while you sleep and add tripwires and passive income to your business.
- You’re ready to become a launching Pro and a Manifestation Master. Let’s go 5D!
- You’re a no BS woman born for freedom, time, money, and flying in business class. Levelling up is your second name.
Did I hear Business Growth bonuses? That’s right:
Bonus #1, worth $2000:
Lifetime access to the Visibility Queen Bootcamp™️ course:

22 video trainings to build the type of rock solid foundations that set your business up for success and sipping coconut water on some exotic beach! You’ll:
- Get some powerful subconscious rewiring to smash fears of judgement and visibility.
- Nail your profitable niche with the Profitable Niche Analyzer.
- Have totale clarity on your ideal client, messaging and marketing that best fits your service.
- Magnetically communicate with your audience so they deeply resonate with your content and offers.
- Have a social media plan, an engagement plan and a growth plan;
- Become the Visibility Queen you deserve to be and confidently show up online;
- Grow your audience on a weekly basis with engaged, amazing people, even if you are starting from scratch;
- Have a website that actually sells for you while you’re busy with your clients (I never launched my 3 month 1:1 program, it sells itself) !
- Be 100% comfortable with video, and selling your services in general without ever being sleazy and feeling icky.
Bonus #2, worth $2000:
Lifetime access to the Abundance Magnet program:

7 transformational modules, including 4 FULL hypnosis session to find and smash success and abundance blocks that might be holding you back, over a dozen EFT and NLP sessions & straight to the point trainings on how to become an Abundance Magnet!
- You’ll learn exactly how limiting beliefs and blocks are formed, how they affect us and how to get rid of every. single. one. of them.
- You’ll say GoodBye to limiting beliefs and money blocks and rewire your mind with new abundance magnet blueprints and empowering beliefs.
- Get ready to have Beyonce like confidence and fearlessness to go for your goals and ditch impostor syndrome for good.
- You’ll learn how how to manage your business growth and let go of any fear / limiting beliefs that come up during the process. Bye Bye sabotage!
- Perfectionism, overwhelm and procrastination are gonna bite the dust, and will affect your goals again.
- You’ll learn how to hit your income goals, and create an action plan of what to do to get there.
- You’ll learn actionable steps that you can take on a daily basis to fully embody the version of you already making 6-7 figures and become a Manifestation Master.
Growing and scaling a business doesn't have to take forever:
Within 6 months, you could:
- Be fulfilling your passion and working with dream clients who are ready to invest in your services, and getting paid well for it;
- Finally let go of Impostor Syndrome and feel like you have everything you need within you to become the successful women you’ve always been destined to be.
- Be spending more quality time with your family and doing what you love while serving high end clients you love.
- Have total clarity on your product suite, ideal clients, messaging, marketing strategy and social media plan that best fits your service . Goodbye confusion and stagnation.
- Become the Visibility Queen you deserve to be and confidently show up online, & Grow your audience on a weekly basis with engaged, amazing people.
- Have set up simple yet powerful passive funnels, and have launched 2-3 offers that are very likely to make your investment back, and more!
- Let go of sabotage and lack of clarity holding you back, and have the mindset and confidence that six figure business owners have.You’re one decision away from your next level self, next level business and next level life. Aligned action takers get results.

Ina Letiner
How to structure stuff did not bring any significant effect to anything in that online business of mine. I have been trying and posting for a month – with no results, with no clue. Following that whisper had to do with Ines – with her incredible warm energy, with her brilliant brain and the best coaching capacity I have experienced so far. I trust Ines for who she is – that was the basis of my decision, zero facts or numbers.
The journey began, and it felt different; it kicked my old ego, it cracked old patterns I needed to leave behind. My success started to become visible week by week. My voice that resonated got clearer week by week. My business began to feel like a business with a flourishing future.
It transformed rapidly, it quickly grew and it became a thrilling adventure, a journey to my heartbeat of being an entrepreneur. Every one-on-one session Ines supported me to precisely that point where I was at in my development. Ines has the most connecting energy as a coach; she listens with such precision and gives direction when you most need it. We had the best fun time you can have in coaching, we had fun, thrive, which results in overwhelming positive emotions. We queens in our group calls were connecting and supporting to become a trive. I think of them with a deep connection and trust to exchange.
It is vital to feel safe as an entrepreneur with a tribe of like-minded women, you can share ideas before they jump out in the world. Thanks, sweet tribe, it is a pleasure. As I look back, it feels like a miracle. I have built the most solid business foundations, I have set the niche with ease and joy and connected to hundreds of people, I did workshops and started my first mastermind myself, and signed up my first high ticket clients. And I know I will forever keep this masterclass in my mind and deep in my heart. Money is one thing, but this experience is above all of that. It’s about getting a new dimension, it’s about becoming a sense of what my success feels like to find my way now. Thank you from the deep of my heart, Ines, for this journey. For these unexpected, excellent results in becoming an entrepreneur myself.”

Natasha Adlem
Ines managed to instil the belief in me that I could do it. Working with Ines I’ve managed to almost double my prices, I’ve grown and cleared so many blocks, a lot of which I didn’t even realise I had. I’ve done a lot of work on money mindset and realised I had some things going on deep in my subconscious that kept coming to the surface and knocking on the door. With Ines’ help, I’ve managed to get rid of them and can now confidently share my prices without a problem. I’m creating my first mastermind and group programme which has been a dream for me to do but I wouldn’t have been able to without Ines’ help.
I’ve managed to grow my group by huge amounts, I’ve created a freebie and set up the back end systems of my business and now feel like a fully fledged entrepreneur, rather than just having my vision, dreams and desires. I now have a business that I am proud to promote which I wouldn’t have without Ines.
Ines is your woman if you want absolute confidence in yourself and your abilities, if you want someone who is intuitive yet strategic, if you want someone who is kind and loving yet can see further than you ever thought imaginable. Hire her, she is an amazing coach! She has so much knowledge and so much soul, and is just beautiful!”

Enrolement closes on May 16th 2021. The Business Accelerator Mastermind will reopen in 2022, and the investment will be $20,000.
Pay in full
- Two monthly 90 minute high vibe Mastermind calls ( 12 in total);
- Two monthly 90 minute mindset & manifestation call;
- Two 1:1 private coaching calls and Voxer access with Ines
- Five figure launching strategy video trainings
- 2 Mindset Mastery Masterclasses to become an abundance machine & smashing impostor syndrome;
- 1 Advanced Business Strategy Masterclasses to become a communication Queen;
- Access to the Mastermind facebook community;
- Bonus 1: Access to the Visibility Queen Bootcamp™️ course (worth $2222)
- Bonus 2: Access to the Abundance Magnet program (worth $2222)
- VIP Mug
8 monthly payments of $1333
- Two monthly 90 minute high vibe Mastermind calls ( 12 in total);
- Two monthly 90 minute mindset & manifestation call;
- Two 1:1 private coaching calls and Voxer access with Ines
- Five figure launching strategy video trainings
- Mindset Mastery Masterclasses to become an abundance machine & smashing impostor syndrome;
- 1 Advanced Business Strategy Masterclasses to become a communication Queen;
- Access to the Mastermind facebook community;
- Bonus 1: Access to the Visibility Queen Bootcamp™️ course (worth $2222)
- Bonus 2: Access to the Abundance Magnet program (worth $2222)
- VIP Mug
Join the waitlist and be the first informed when the Business Accelerator Mastermind relaunches it the future. You also get early bird bonuses and other % !

Tracy, Mindset coach
"I feel so much more confident and unhindered. I’m showing up, being more visible and have even been asked into a radio show to talk about what I do. It’s like not only am I no longer hiding, but others can see me now too."

Sacha, Weight loss coach
"Working with Ines in her 12 Week Program was the best decision I could make for my business! After every transformational session a major shift happened within 1 week. Within 11 weeks of working together I completely changed my website, social media posting AND I signed my first high ticket clients."
The Business Accelerator Mastermind is for ambitious female entrepreneurs already making at least $2k a month who want to get to 5-10k months, and/or scale.
If you’re aren’t making 5-10k yet: perfect, let’s set up a mindset and business strategy to get you there.
If you’re making more than 10k: let’s scale !
Absolutely yes! Throughout your time in the Business Accelerator Mastermind you will have private access to me using Voxer as well as two 1:1 private 60 minute calls.
I’m glad you asked. I decided to make this Mastermind 6 months long because I’ve noticed that the time we have is the time we take to do something, and that people tend to stagnate in their progress when they have too much time.
6 months is enough time to get through 2-3 launches, built a product suite and get many powerful mindset shifts. It also gives us the right amount of good pressure to get into action-taking mode while still having enough time to implement new concepts.
You can, but the Mastermind doors will be closed until 2022, and the investment will be around $15,000-$20,000.
Action takers get results. Often, the scariest decision give us the best results and allow us to Quantum Leap to the next level. If you are ambitious and ready to show up as the Queen you are, and want, join the High Vibe women in this Mastermind !
Yes! The Business Accelerator Mastermind is an intimate program with 12 women only.
Never. When we think about refunds, we energetically tell the universe that we don’t fully believe that we’ll get what we want, and we set ourselves up for failure before we even started. That’s a very shitty vibration and it doesn’t belong in this Mastermind.
The Business Accelerator officially starts in June 2021.
I’ve got you! Send me an email at or send me a message on facebook / instagram. We can also have a quick chat if you are wondering if you are a good fit for the Mastermind.
Hi I'm, Ines aka the Impostor Syndrome Terminator ®!

When I was 18, studying finance at university, I told my mom: “One day, I’ll be working from home, from the couch with my laptop on my knees, wearing leggings”. She gave my an exasperated look.
Well, I guess my dreams came true?! Joke aside:
I’m a former investment analyst turned into a mindset and business hypno-coach. I’m here to help ambitious women say F You to impostor syndrome and limiting beliefs, and Hello to life in an inflatable flamingo.
I’m a no BS, impatient person and I like to see results fast! By combining deep subconscious and energetic work and business growth strategies, I went from desperate entrepreneur (I made 5k in 7 months with my old face to face therapy business) to 12k within 10 weeks within starting on social media. Seven month after that, I had a 78k launch, 100% organic, working from my couch.
I truly believe that success comes from energetic alignment and strategic action. I’m here to help amazing women smash success blocks, grow their business and fulfil their potential!
I can’t wait to meet you!