
Episode 48: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome (1/2)

Hello beautiful conscious beings!

In this episode, we’ll be talking about impostor syndrome, more specifically the typical signs of impostor syndrome, and how impostor syndrome can affect us in different areas of business:

Here’s what you’ll learn today:How to identify impostor syndrome easily, and some common thought patterns:

  • Feeling like a fraud
  • Not feeling comfortable charming what we want to charge
  • Doubt that makes us overthink and procrastinate 
  • Fear of visibility and feeling everyone knows what we want to say
  • Not feeling qualified enough
  • Feeling like we need more diplomas and certifications 

How the above affect our day to day business and goals

In the next episode, we’ll be covering how to overcome impostor syndrome in order to boost confidence and self worth and manifest our goals in our business without constant doubt or anxiety.

Want to overcome impostor syndrome for good to boost confidence and attract more abundance?

Sign up for the 2 day impostor syndrome workshop here:

Impostor syndrome Workshop