
Episode 57: Why what worked before isn’t working anymore

Hello beautiful listeners!

In this episode, we’ll talk about why what worked for us before isn’t working anymore and what to do about it so you can make the best out of the next 5 months of 2022 and move from stagnating to thriving!


Here’s what we covered in this episode:

  • Your method is good, but you can’t see results because some old BS is clogging the process (strategy is good but blocks or the universe won’t let you move forward)
  • As you evolve, old things might not be in alignment anymore (time to switch things up)
  • Your self-image and self-talk, and how they affect your vibration and your ability to make things work for you or against you
  • Do you still believe in the process? When you don’t, you might subconsciously be repelling the outcome away


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