
Episode 18: The Sabotage and fear of failure vicious circle


So many brilliant entrepreneurs get stuck for weeks, months or years because of one subconscious mechanism meant to keep them safe.


Very often, sabotage is a protection mechanism. It’s our mind keeping us safe from rejection or pain. So while sabotage has a negative connotation, it really is our subconscious wanting to protect us.


The fear of failure and sabotage is a vicious circle.


It goes like this:


(03:07) Step 1: Deep down, we are afraid of failure because it would mean we are not good enough or can’t succeed.


(04:30) Step 2: We don’t go full in, or stay in the safe zone: getting more degrees, avoiding that launch, not increasing our rates etc. We might put ourselves out there but not totally.


(05:19) Step 3: By staying in the safe zone, we never get to the next level, or get our first client. Because we have never fully put ourselves out there and tried 100%.


(06:10) Step 4: Concluding that we don’t have what it takes because what we tried hasn’t worked. That worsens the fear of not being good enough



  • Waiting until the last minute to revise for exams
  • Showing up online but not showing our face or doing video, and then complaining that it’s not working and it’s probably because we are not good enough
  • Not talking about our offer online, which stops us from getting more clients
  • Doing all of the strategy work but not the inner work, which often matters way more
  • Focusing on getting more certifications instead of jumping in with both feet



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